Blood Moon Productions, a Staten Island-based publishing enterprise that focuses on celebrity biographies and film guides, proudly announces the release of a 27-minute documentary and infomercial it filmed at the June 4, 2011 celebration of Gay Pride in Staten Island. To see the film, click here
The project was conceived, scripted, and narrated by Blood Moon's president and founder, Danforth Prince, who was designated in early June as 2011's PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR by the directors of THE BEACH BOOK FESTIVAL, an association of literary critics and booksellers from coastal communities across America.
As stated by Prince, "Blood Moon already has a history of crafting videotaped infomercials and documentaries as a means of advancing public recognition of its literary products. As such, we were intrigued by the cinematic possibilities of a street celebration that included aspects of both a trade fair and a social revolution. And how else could someone not physically present watch an articulate interaction between the Unitarian Church, the winner of the 'Miss New York' beauty pageant, and Dykes on Bikes?"
"Staten Island is the least visible and perhaps the most conservative borough within the otherwise liberal mass of New York City," Prince continued. "But based on this month's battle for marriage equality in New York State, and the extroverted passions of the island's gays and lesbians, this film has implications that go way beyond the borough."
"Insofar as we know," Prince continued, "no one else has ever attempted a coherent cinematic overview of Staten Island's gay subculture. And it was the clearly expressed passion and politicized fervor of the people we interviewed that became the most surprising and most gratifying part about making this film."
Blood Moon's GAY LIFE IN NEW YORK'S FORGOTTEN OUTER BOROUGH supplements other infomercials it will release this month, including BOOK EXPO 2011, BLOOD MOON'S VIEW FROM THE FLOOR. A 60-minute documentary filmed in May, 2011 at the world's largest literary marketplace, BOOK EXPO AMERICA, it's the newest installment in a series of lessons about how a small press or an author can navigate the shark-infested waters of the book trades.
During the crafting of both of these films, Blood Moon was assisted in the direction, editing, and camera work by Polish-born cinematographer PIOTR KAJSTURA, winner of several awards and grants from, among others, the Tourism Board of South Carolina.
For more information about Blood Moon's other successes and embarrassments, and how its authors are re-defining how celebrity biographies and film guides are written and marketed in America today, click on