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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Happened When LINDA LOVELACE Met the Literati at a Book Awards Ceremony in Manhattan. (Hint: Everyone LOVED it!)


On June 21, Blood Moon's biography of porn diva LINDA LOVELACE was designated as BEST SUMMER READING of 2013 at a posh literary venue (The Grolier Club) on Park Avenue in Manhattan. Here's how it all went down when Danforth Prince brought Linda to meet the Literati.

Zsa Zsa Amid the Palms. She's Back!!


Zsa Zsa's Return to Hollywood.  Analyzing her past through the filter of Blood Moon Productions and Danforth Prince, dishing her sisters from the comfort of KNEWS DESERT RADIO in Palm Springs, where celebrities come to gossip and play.

It’s new, it’s hot, it’s gossipy, and it’s scheduled for a worldwide release in August: THOSE GLAMOROUS GABORS, Bombshells from Budapest, by celebrity spinmeister Darwin Porter—the first comprehensive overview of show biz’s most notorious sisters. Here’s what enquiring minds are saying about the book EVERYONE will be talking about.

Why Zsa Zsa Loves You, Dahlink! Blood Moon's Illustrated Tutorial about THOSE GLAMOROUS GABORS

 ZSA ZSA--She's Back!! 

THOSE GLAMOROUS GABORS-Blood Moon presents a short, illustrated tutorial describing the HOT HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY it will release, worldwide, in mid-August.